guidelines- E2B Data elements for Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs)
This document describes the requirements of reporting ICSR in clinical trials.
Reference here https://admin.ich.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/E2B_R2_Guideline.pdf
Summarizing a high level points from the module for revision below.
1. Minimal information
- one identifiable patient - any one of several data elements is considered sufficient to define an identifiable patient (e.g. initials, age, sex);
- one identifiable reporter - any one of several data elements is considered sufficient to define an identifiable reporter (e.g. initials, address, qualifications);
- one adverse event/reaction (or outcome);
- one suspect or interacting drug.
- Sender’s (case) Safety Report Unique Identifier
- Type of Report
- Date of Most Recent Information for This Report
- Dose This Case Fulfil the Local Criteria for an Expedited Report?
- Worldwide Unique Case Identification
- Reporter’s Country Code
- Sender’s Organisation
- When type of report=‘Report from study’, Study Type Where Reaction(s) / Event(s)Were Observed
All the information available should be reported in fully structured format using the relevant E2B(R3)
data elements and applicable standard terminologies.
Those terminologies include; ISO (country
codes, gender codes and language codes), MedDRA (e.g. medical history, indication, and reaction /
event), UCUM (units of measurement), and ISO IDMP (see Section for details).
2. Some pointers:
- ‘Future dates’ cannot be transmitted in an ICH ICSR message.
- Metric units should be used exclusively.
- For ICSR reporting, MedDRA is commonly used in the ICH regions.
- Defintion and details on when to use null flavours, unknown and blanks
- ICH recommends that when a poorly documented case is reported, then the clinical judgement should be exercised
- For the cases being reported from health authorities where the qualification of reporter is not found, then primary reporter is health authority and qualification of reporter to be entered as unknown.
- ICH database does not accept values such as < and > in its format. They recommend using standard website for providing standard units and values, like lab values units to be referred from http://unitsofmeasure.org/track
While i have tried my best to explain things, original guidelines should or has to be refereed, my understanding may not replace or be substitute to them at all.
Written by:
Dr.Shraddha Bhange.
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A very good valuable info.presented all the updates in a very professional way, it reflects a very good contribution to patient's safety and pharmacovigilance. I also recommend to go through nutrition blog of Dr.Shraddha Bhange i'm sure it will provide you a very good info.Thank you everyone..
ReplyDeleteA very good valuable info.presented all the updates in a very good professional way, it reflects a very good contribution to patient's safety and Pharmacovigilance. I also recommend to go through nutrition blog of Dr.Shraddha Bhange as it will provide a valuable info on nutritional facts, have a good day.Thank you everyone..
ReplyDeleteThanks Simon for your kind words.. Keep me posted for any more edits or suggestions..